From Pollo Fuentes to Los Prisioneros: Listen to the new lists we have for you
From Pollo Fuentes to Los Prisioneros: Listen to the new lists we have for you
Every week we will release lists with historical and heritage material on Spotify.
Two new decades, the ‘70 and ‘80, have been compiled on this weekly release continuing with the gathering of milestones, rarities, and singles of the Chilean music.
Frecuencia Mod, Myriam Hernández, Eduardo Gatti, Zalo Reyes, Panzer, Pachuco and La Cubanacán, Valija Diplomática, Victor Jara, Congreso, Nino García, Dorso, Mauricio Redolés and Mazapán, are some of the artists that can be heard in the selection that we post every Friday on Spotify.
Chilemúsica was created thanks to the work of the Independent Music Industry Association of Chile (IMICHILE); ProChile, the Undersecretariat of Cultures and Arts, the Production Promotion Corporation (Chilecreativo) and the Chilean Society of Musical Authors and Interpreters (SCD) to focus the work done with the export of national music.
Listen, follow, share and have fun enjoying Chilean music in this quarantine.